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Yea store sale sees just three buyers snap up majority of 2600-head yarding

Noreen and Kevin Foster, Strath Creek, sold 23 Angus, 16-18 months, grown steers including the top-priced pen of the day, 12, 580kg, for $2240 or 386c/kg.
Noreen and Kevin Foster, Strath Creek, sold 23 Angus, 16-18 months, grown steers including the top-priced pen of the day, 12, 580kg, for $2240 or 386c/kg.

The Yea store sale on Friday saw just three buyers snap up the majority of the 2600-yarding.

In a sale which saw prices similar to last month's sale but back on this week's Mountain Calf Sales, three well-known commission buyers dominated the rails.

Independent commission buyers Campbell Ross, Duncan Brown and Luke McMahon purchased several hundred cattle each and almost had it all their own way, other than some local and South Gippsland competition.

Mr Ross filled several orders for north and west Victorian clients, while Mr Brown purchased stock to head north into NSW and as far as Queensland.

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