A flood recovery event
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Time: 6pm onwards
Location: Yea Tennis Club, Recreation Ave
Cost: Free
Hear from local agronomist Stuart Foy about how you can improve the quality of your soil following a flood.
Also hear from local mental health nurse Sarah Austin about protecting your mental health after a flood event, the support services available, and how to access them.
A BBQ dinner will be available from 7pm.
Hurry, register your attendance by 10 November.
Yea and District Memorial Hospital is running this event in partnership with Murrindindi Shire Council, Nutrien Ag Solutions, and the Rotary Club of Yea. This event is being generously funded by the State of Victoria through Emergency Recovery Victoria's Community Recovery Hub grant program in response to the October 2022 flood and storm events which significantly impacted Murrindindi Shire.