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Bids ‘too hot’ for many

Big money: Mark Lincoln, manager of Marlene Walsh's property at Taggerty, with steers they sold for $2360 at Yea last week.
Big money: Mark Lincoln, manager of Marlene Walsh's property at Taggerty, with steers they sold for $2360 at Yea last week.

1 June 2022

STRONG and consistent prices were achieved for spring-drop calves at Yea last week as the market fed off the promise of another big grass season and recent trading of feeder cattle at big money.

The feature yarding of 3456 mainly Angus weaners averaged $1875 a head across steers and heifers.

“This sale is right up there with some of the big weaner sales we’ve seen in Victoria, and the statistics will prove that,” Ron Rutledge, Nutrien livestock development manager said.

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